See (v=vs.110).aspx Troubleshooting Invalid Security Certificate Tls12 (base protocol TLS 1.0 protocol TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2).If you receive the error message "incorrect format of configuration file" after changing SecurityProtocol to TLS1.2 ( SecurityProtocol="Tls12"), make sure that you have the right setting according to the.

If you are using this version, configure the Web service and set the special flag in SmartClient config. Smart Client supports the TLS security protocol of Microsoft. See in How To: Create and Install Temporary Certificates in WCF for Message Security During Development in If Using Microsoft. You can now start Smart Client and use the URL of the Web Central server, for example: For the production deployment, you should consider using chain trust versus peer trust.Configure the computer where Smart Client is installed by installing the Web Central server security certificate for the current user.Configure Web Central server to work with HTTPS/TLS.For information on SSL, see this link from Microsoft: Procedure Smart Client supports these protocols when configured to use HTTPS: Configuring Smart Client to Work with HTTPS/TLS